Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Holiday Season

It is approaching the end of November, 2011. This is mind boggling to me, but at the same time, I wouldn't trade this time for any other. I already have the Christmas tree up, cards are being filled out, and I'm way too broke for presents. This is going to be my son's third Christmas and I couldn't be more excited that we get to spend it in Pittsburgh with his Great Grandparents and also his Grandparents from Missouri. I'm looking forward to family fun and of course really good food and treats.

Christmas as I knew it has completely changed ever since my first one with Mark four years ago. The time of depressing Holidays is over, and yes, I'll make sure it stays over. I'm not all into the commercialism of this time of year, and I certainly refuse to give anyone a "list" of my desired interests when all I really want is the time with each other and to celebrate the birth of my Savior, on the wrong day of course. It's funny to realize we celebrate the birth of Jesus on a day picked to overrule partying, but what do most of us do, party! So, although the date is wrong, I'm still not into the mockery of Christmas. It is a time to remember that all that we have around us is a result of a loving God who would give His only Son in order that we have life at all. I make it a point to remember this daily, but what's special around Christmas is the spirit. I'm not talking about the Spirit of Christmas of Charles Dickens, but of an outpour of the Holy Spirit that is otherwise a little stale the rest of the year. It shouldn't be that way really, but in all honesty it's for a lack of trying on the part of us who claim to be Christians 24/7.

Although I will be baking cookies, listening to TransSiberian Orchestra, decorating with silly Santa themed items, sending cards with a glittered Mickey Mouse on them, and purchasing and wrapping presents, my true heart will be in the Holy Spirit. There are so many lights at Christmas time, and I think of the star that lit the way for the Wise Men. December is a very dark month without a lot of daylight, so the lights on houses and on trees become even more beautiful in the darkest of nights. In this house though, the lights point to something more. When it's dark in here, there is the light of Jesus, it dwells within me and if only I could shut up sometimes it will shine brighter than any star God has created. In here will be "the Spirit of Christmas" of warm and inviting love that transcends all year round. I've gotten the greatest gift of all in existence. The gift of Jesus as my Lord and my Savior. There is nothing else I could ask for.

Happy Christmas, and may the turn of the new year be a blessing upon those who seek a love greater than anything they can imagine. Seek the light, life will never be the same.

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